Benefits of using EnergyMisers

EnergyMisers help you to save money and go green. EnergyMisers are a simple, cost-effective way to start saving money and energy immediately.

EnergyMisers are:

  • Inexpensive: payback is typically one year or less
  • Easy to install: intuitive installation in 15 minutes or less
  • Saves you or your clients money: an average of $150 per machine, per year
  • Saves energy: up to 46% savings, or 1611 kWh per machine, per year
  • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions: one VendingMiser reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 2200 lbs. of CO2 and 3600 grams of NOx each year.*

Small investment; big impact.
Vending machines are everywhere: schools, hotels, office buildings, cafeterias—just about anywhere people gather. And VendingMiser offers far more "sustainable" savings over a 10-year period than most other energy conservation technologies. Yet vending machines and coolers are often overlooked for energy savings.

If the estimated four million refrigerated vending machines and 10 million coolers in America were equipped with EnergyMisers, calculated at a conservative 35% savings, the approximate annual impact could be a:

  • Reduction of 15,330,000,000 in kilo watt hours
  • Savings of approximately $1,379,700,000
  • Reduction of 22,995,000,000 lbs of C02
  • Reduction of 7,000,000 tons of coal
  • Savings equivalent to powering 1,500,147 homes
  • Savings equivalent to eliminating 851,666 cars from the roadway

And with the numerous utility rebate programs available, it could cost you nothing to become more energy efficient today.

* All calculations based on occupancy and the Energy Information Administrators national average of greenhouse gas emissions and electricity generation.